Luego de varios contratiempos no relacionados con el proyecto, pude volver a dedicarme a esto y terminar una animación con el personaje de An3Drés López.
La misma intenta representar lo más fielmente posible uno de los momentos de su monólogo: Me pido la ventana, con frutica picada, con una especie de corto que quedó bautizado como: Andrés López y los 3 Dioses de la Rumba, el cual se los presento a continuación:
After a few issues non related with the project, i could finally dedicate some time to it and finish an animation with the character of An3Drés López.
After a few issues non related with the project, i could finally dedicate some time to it and finish an animation with the character of An3Drés López.
The animation tries to represent as faithfully as posible one of the moments of his monologue: Me pido la ventana, con frutica picada, in a sort of short that took the name: Andrés López y los 3 Dioses de la Rumba, which i present to you next:
I hope you like it, and as usual, your critiques are always welcome, because this is what helps me to improve...
También pueden observar aquí, un video comparativo de ambas versiones, la extraída del DVD con el verdadero Andrés López en acción, y la segunda, la animada en 3D con su alter ego: An3Drés López:
You can also watch here, a comparative video of both versions, the one extracted from the DVD with the real Andrés López in action, and the second one, animated in 3D with his alter ego: An3Drés López:
You can also watch here, a comparative video of both versions, the one extracted from the DVD with the real Andrés López in action, and the second one, animated in 3D with his alter ego: An3Drés López:
Espero les guste, como siempre, sus críticas son siempre bien recibidas puesto que es lo que ayuda a mejorar...
I hope you like it, and as usual, your critiques are always welcome, because this is what helps me to improve...