Comenzaré este blog, que no pretende ser otra cosa sino una bitácora de mis avances en el mundo de la animación 3D, con uno de mis primeros trabajos, hecho por ahí en el año 2005 (si la memoria no me falla) motivado por un concurso que organizó el ya desaparecido canal de videos musicales: Puma TV, el cual se trataba de realizar un corto de 1 minuto de duración que fusionara el mundo Star Wars con el logo del canal.
Me tomó alrededor de 10 días completarlo, participaron si mal no recuerdo unos 30 proyectos y gracias a todos mis amigos y familiares quedé de segundo dado que la votación era por mensajería de texto vía SMS, lamentáblemente el premio era solo para el primer lugar, aunque esto no es tan importante, lo importante es que si no hubiese sido por mi saga favorita, a lo mejor no me hubiese decidido a entrar de lleno en este mundo que tanto me gusta.
Gracias Star Wars... y que la Fuerza los acompañe!
I'll start this blog, that is meant to be some sort of journal of my learning in the world of 3D animation, with one of my first projects, made around the year 2005 (if my memory is still working) motivated by a contest organized by the now extinct channel of music videos: Puma TV, which was about making a short film of 1 minute that would merge the world of Star Wars with the logo of the channel.
It took me 10 days to complete it, there were around 30 other contestants and thanks to all of my friends and family i finished in second place, because the voting was made via SMS messages, unfortunatelly the grand prize was only for the First Place, although this is not the most important thing, what really matters is that if it wasnt for my favorite saga of all time, maybe i wouldnt have started fully in this world that i like so much.
Thanks Star Wars... and May the Force be with you!
Me tomó alrededor de 10 días completarlo, participaron si mal no recuerdo unos 30 proyectos y gracias a todos mis amigos y familiares quedé de segundo dado que la votación era por mensajería de texto vía SMS, lamentáblemente el premio era solo para el primer lugar, aunque esto no es tan importante, lo importante es que si no hubiese sido por mi saga favorita, a lo mejor no me hubiese decidido a entrar de lleno en este mundo que tanto me gusta.
Gracias Star Wars... y que la Fuerza los acompañe!
I'll start this blog, that is meant to be some sort of journal of my learning in the world of 3D animation, with one of my first projects, made around the year 2005 (if my memory is still working) motivated by a contest organized by the now extinct channel of music videos: Puma TV, which was about making a short film of 1 minute that would merge the world of Star Wars with the logo of the channel.
It took me 10 days to complete it, there were around 30 other contestants and thanks to all of my friends and family i finished in second place, because the voting was made via SMS messages, unfortunatelly the grand prize was only for the First Place, although this is not the most important thing, what really matters is that if it wasnt for my favorite saga of all time, maybe i wouldnt have started fully in this world that i like so much.
Thanks Star Wars... and May the Force be with you!